Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gluten Free Kisses

Every once in a while I felt like I was having a gluten reaction and couldn't figure out what might have caused it. It was actually my sister who got me thinking...maybe my chapstick is causing some trouble. See, the sister I'm referring to loves giving me kisses on the cheeks and then gleefully yelling "HAHA - GLUTEN KISSES". The Gluten Kisses got me thinking: if you're wearing chapstick containing gluten, doesn't that inevitably end up being ingested in some small way? We lick our lips, we drink beverages that pass over our lips, food goes into our mouths by way of the lips (biology 101), so it kind of makes sense that something as minor as my chapstick could cause some trouble.

I went online (because who has time to read a book?!?!) and I found out that yes, gluten in cosmetics can be bad for the gluten intolerant and Celiac Diseased. This was sad for me because I had just discovered some skin care products from philosophy that I loved and really did not want to part with. So I sent an email to philosophy customer service asking if they would be able to tell me which (if any) of their products are gluten free. They responded with the following (note how polite they are. And note the lack of caps...I love this):

"thank you for contacting philosophy about gluten free products. i have listed these items below...

- purity made simple and purity foaming
- hope in a jar original formula and hope in a jar spf 20
- the microdelivery peel kit
- the microdelivery exfoliating wash
- booster capsules
- shelter spf 30
- big gorgeous eyes mascara
- kiss me
- supernatural lip gloss
- supernatural airbrushed canvas
- all of the food inspired 3-in-1 bath and shower gels
- when hope is not enough replenishing cream
- all of the flavored lip shines
- divine illumination
-inner grace shampoo, bath and shower gel
- eye hope

also, for your reference, product ingredients are listed on each product page on to locate the ingredient list for a product simply click on the product you are interested in, and click the "ingredients" tab in the box provided at the bottom of the page to view a complete ingredient list for the product. for a complete product list, click the "products a-z" link located at the bottom of the homepage."

Now, more of their products are likely gluten free, but it just so happens that the products I am in love with are on this list so I did not ask for more information. If you're curious about a product and are confused by the ingredients you can't pronounce, send them an email! I appreciated how nice they were (I didn't include the very friendly invitation to contact them with further questions, but it was there in the original email).

So, upon receiving this list, I decided to try one of their flavored lip shines. I started with the Pink Bubbly. What do you know, it tastes and smells like I would expect a strawberries and champagne lip shine to smell and taste. Turns out, I don't particularly LOVE the scent of strawberries and champagne, but that's just me. I could see why others would love it. And aside from the scent, I love everything about this gloss. It provides a nice shimmer and just a hint of color, and keeps your lips moisturized for hours without ever feeling greasy or sticky. The flavored lip shines will definitely be a part of my collection going forward. So do a little research, ditch your gluten infested lip products (if applicable) and find something that works for you. If it just so happens to be the same product that works for me, so be it! You don't HAVE to love it just because I do...but it would be so lovely if you did :-)

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