Monday, April 4, 2011


I love zucchini - it's so easy to prepare and it takes on flavors pretty easily. Plus it's healthy, so I use it in a lot of recipes. I got a little adventurous one evening and made up a recipe for Zucchini Pancakes, and they ended up being a huge hit. In fact, there was a time when we were having them multiple times a day, several times a week. No joke. My boyfriend has even asked me to make them for parties a few times. I call them Zutkes, he calls them Zucchini Pancakes - you can call them whatever makes you happy. They're delicious with a little sour cream, also with a little salsa and also delicious by themselves. Ingredients: 1/4 cup Almond Flour 2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese (grated) 2 eggs 4-5 zucchini, grated 1 shallot Salt & pepper to taste Directions: Grate the zucchini into a strainer, place in the sink and press down to squeeze out as much extra liquid as possible. Add in remaining ingredients and blend (I use my hands). Coat a pan with either cooking spray or Olive Oil and heat on med-high heat. Form little patties out of the zucchini mixture and drop on heated pan. Let it sit a few minutes on one side before lightly pressing down with a spatula, then flipping over. We like ours a little crispy, but you can mix it up however you like.

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